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Shamanic Regression and Extraction Healing

Shamanic healing is a powerful and effective way to heal both the body and the soul. It is a holistic approach that addresses the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of illness and injury.

We believe that all problems, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical, have their root cause in spiritual imbalance. Sean will use Shamanic regression techniques to work deeply with you to access a hidden reality in your being for purposes of bringing back healing, power, and information.

This is a deeply healing and releasing Shamanic healing session using regression and extraction processes that will bring rapid transformation and relief from feelings, blockages and energies that do not serve our higher good and may have been with us for a long time, in this lifetime and previous lifetimes. Bringing Harmony, Balance, Peace and Love x

As an introductory offer for the New Year the first 20 souls to book will be invited to invest £50 for the 1-hour session or £40 with a written case study form from yourselves, giving valuable feedback to Sean following your session.

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