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February Gong Bath with Cleansing and Connecting Imbolc Cacao Ceremony x


Updated: Jan 30

Through our smudging Ceremony we connect with the Spirit of Sage and ask to be cleansed on every level of our being, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical allowing the Spirit to stay deep within us, helping clear negative energies and further protecting us, leaving us in a place to speak positive words, think positive thoughts, hear all the beautiful words, and walk on this earth with respect.

And we say "Into this smoke I release all energies that no longer serve my greatest good, all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me. I ask that only love, light and peace fill my space”

When cleansed, we invite you to connect with the Spirit of Cacao in Ceremony with blessings and praise, connecting our senses to the Spirit before we meditate with the plant spirits of Cacao asking for healing, and opening us up to self-exploration.

And we ask "Mama Cacao, I invite your wisdom and heart-opening energy into this sacred space. Guide me as I set my intentions for this new cycle".

We will then settle down to our mats to further deepen our meditative journey through the medium of Drum, Rattle, Chime and Gong taking us deeper through the plant roots to connect us with the heartbeat of Mother Earth and ask her to provide all the nutrients and goodness we need to survive and thrive.

As we close the Ceremony we will reflect, journal and if you like, share our experiences.

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